The Greatness of Christ: His Purpose and Mission


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Christ came to earth as the only complete man to ever live. He was without fault. No descendant of Adam can lay claim to that designation, because we are all flawed. This ideal man—God incarnate—fills every office. He came as a prophet to declare the oracles of God and to prophesy of the future. Now, He sits at the right hand of His Father as the great high priest making intercession for His children. Soon, He will lay aside His priestly garments and don the vestments of king. As a prophet Jesus was the Suffering Servant; as priest He is the Worthy Mediator; as a king He is the highly exalted and Triumphant Lord. Christ’s eternal kingship is His final objective, His ultimate goal. This has always been God’s plan—to reconcile man unto Himself and establish His eternal kingdom, a kingdom in which His redeemed will share as heirs in His glory and as joint heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17).

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